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        作者:核实中..2009-12-30 11:59:42 来源:网络

          “月到中秋分外圆” ,也有人说美国的“洋月亮”特别圆。在美国的中秋节当日,却有一位中国的“土人”向全世界的景观设计师,演说著 “天人合一”、“大禹精神”、“天地-人-神和谐”、“桃花源”等中国古老的理念。这位自称为“土人”的哈佛洋博士,凭著他对大地的感情,对自然的尊敬,对中国哲理的通达,使他在世界的殿堂中频频获奖,藉著他对中西文化融汇贯通的景观设计理念,而使他寻找出未来世界“生存的艺术”。
          《乾坤》第七期曾转载了俞孔坚教授的大作《寻找“土地之神”》,拜讀其文章之後,深受他对大自然的关爱真情所打动,当笔者得悉俞教授来美参加在(Minneapolis)明尼阿波利斯的全球最具规模的景观设计年会後,将受邀到(University of Virginia)维珍利亚大学演讲,特驱车前往寻找这位“土地之守护神”!





          Meeting with the “Deity of the Land”
          At the annual ASLA/IFLA convention in Minneapolis this October, a Chinese “turen” (earth-man, native) gave a lecture to landscape architects from around the world. The topic of the lecture was on the Chinese concepts of “Heaven and Man United”, “The (Saint King) Da Yu’s Spirit”, “Harmony Among Heaven, Earth, Man, and Deities”, and “The Land of Peach Blossoms .”
          Based on his feelings for the great Earth, his respect for Mother Nature, his thorough grasp of the Chinese philosophy, and his understanding of the Western culture, all that fostered his idea of landscaping, the “Turenscape Concept”: Armed with modern technology; observes the phenomenon up in the sky and the patterns down on the earth; and follows the natural and social processes, so that man, nature and the spirits can be understood as one, and designed as one.
          This self-described “turen”, Prof. Kongjian Yu, a Harvard Ph.D., and Dean of the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture at Beijing University, presented his unique speech at the convention, “The Art of Survival: Positioning Landscape Architecture in The New Era”. His groundbreaking work has won him a number of awards in the hall of global recognition.
          Yu’s true caring and love for Nature expressed in his masterful piece, entitled “Seeking the Deity of the Land”, which was included in Vol. 7 of Chien Kun Magazine, has deeply touched me. Upon learning that he has been invited to give a special speech at the University of Virginia (UVA) after the Minneapolis convention, I started out to seek this “Deity of the Land”.
          In the UVA auditorium, packed with students and professors, I listened to Prof. Yu explain to the audience the ancient Chinese historical teachings about how humans and Nature can develop harmoniously together. While listening to his lectures and watching the slideshows he presented, I could almost envision him leading his Turenscape team around the country, traveling between towns and cities to cure, restore and protect the Mother Land. Through his work, speeches, and teaching, Yu, who is just over 40, urges people in the world to answer his call for mankind to respect Nature, as that is the only way to lead a truly harmonious life!
          Further, he also introduced his “Rice Field” project design at the Shenyang University of Architecture, and was awarded the ASLA Design Honor Award for this project. The design creates a campus environment by using rice and its stalks, along with local wild grass in the most economic way. Through reusing materials and putting rice fields and local crops into the landscape, the design attempts a new incorporation of crops and wild grass on the campus. And, by applying massive amounts of native, wild plants as its background, the design brings out the special character of the site. It not only is easy to manage and needs little investment, but also creates a unique, economic landscape with high productivity. The harvest from the rice field has already become a gift for visitors to the university.
          After the speech, we had a nice late night talk with Prof. Yu. He invited us to the place he was staying on campus. Even though being a little tired from the non-stop sessions of conferences and speeches, Prof. Yu sincerely showed his regard to Chien Kun Magazine, and his deep appreciation for the hard work done by the Chien Kun staff on the translation of his article, “Seeking the Deity of the Land”.
          Though the night was the chilliest of this fall, our hearts were warmed by Prof. Yu’s spirit. “Adapt the TAO of Nature to cure the great suffering, and refer to the cultural context to enrich our deprived minds.” The term landscape architect is not enough to describe a person with such a reverent mission; I feel that he is more like a deity sent down from Heaven for protection of our Mother Earth, and mankind’s well-being.
          (Su Tam, Xin Chen)

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